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What to backup to restore site fully (WP Website Backups)

In this post, we’ll cover some very important facts about website backups that will save you a lot of money and time. Our topic for today is what should I back up in my WordPress site and What to backup to restore the site? Creating a backup is a safeguard against losses caused by a broken or even a completely lost website. The important question to ask is this. If you were to lose your website, what would you want to get back?

Basic Structure of WP Site:

Each website has two parts files and database. Files consist of three parts, code uploads and configurations. While the database stores all the content that you or your users add to your website like posts, comments, etc. All this content in the database is stored in the form of tables.

Your WordPress uploads folder stores all the images from your posts, and the configurations help connect all these files together with the database. Now that you understand the basic structure

What is manual WP Backups:

You should always check that you have all the important WordPress folders shown here. If you want, you can pause and take a screenshot here and displayed here are the important tables to keep in mind. Losing even one of these tables can be a big loss for you. Literally everything here is important for your website to function properly, and that’s why we recommend backing up all of your website so that your backup website works just as well as the original one.

What to backup to restore site-Some points to Remember:

Another plus point of backing up your entire site is that you can easily restore any particular section that gets corrupted for any reason. After all, there can be nothing more disappointing than when a website crashes and your backup can’t restore it properly.

What to backup to restore site-Database backups Vs Full Backups:

As much as we emphasize taking a backup of your entire site, there can be some situations where you only require the database of your website, such as if you only want to export a specific type of information from your website, such as comments, user information, or data on orders received for marketing purposes, or to import it to a new site that you’re building. However, if your purpose of making a backup is to have a safeguard that you can use to properly restore your site, then you should be careful while setting up backups, especially through plugins. You need to make sure that the plug in you use is taking a backup of your entire site that is, both the files and the tables, and not just the database backup. This is crucial to properly backup and restore your website later on.

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